

Navigating the Winter Blues: Strategies for Managing Your Mental Wellness

还记得, seeking support 和 incorporating self-care practices are not signs of weakness but rather a sign of strength. 你得到了这个!

In the wake of one of 医疗保健’s biggest challenges the physical 和 mental resilience of nurses has been put to the ultimate test. This has led to a nationwide decline in overall mental health 和 personal well-being. A 2022年可信健康调查 revealed a sobering reality—a stark 26% decline in the mental health of nurses compared to pre-p和emic results. This serves as a harrowing reminder of the challenges faced by nurses.

Winters can be especially challenging due to a combination of academic pressures, 短几天, 更冷的天气, 还有假期的压力. 不管你是 护理系学生或 医疗保健 经验丰富的, we could all use a refresher to offset the unforgiving winter blues.


假期会给那些想要戒烟的人带来额外的压力 平衡的学者 和 临床的责任. +, the decrease in daylight hours during winter has been linked to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that often occurs during the winter months. 护理专业学生及专业人士, 已经承受着巨大的压力, may find themselves especially susceptible to the impact of seasonal changes on their mental health. The negative feelings that come with the winter season not only directly impact the mental health of nurses, 还包括提供的护理质量.

To effectively cope with these feelings, you must first identify them. Seasonal depression can manifest in various ways, affecting mood, energy, 和 overall well-being. 护理专业学生和专业人士, 谁每天都要面对情绪激动的情况, 及早发现这些迹象是至关重要的. 常见症状包括:

  • 乏力
  • 睡眠模式的改变
  • 难以幸运28计划注意力
  • 低能量的

通过识别这些迹象, you’re giving yourself a better chance to create a healthy response, 反过来, 做一个更好的学生和医疗保健提供者.


冬天带来了一系列独特的挑战, nursing students 和 professionals can adopt proactive coping strategies to ensure that they're positioned to be as ready as possible for the seasonal shift. 

  • 诚实: 诚实地表达自己的感受, 无论是压力, 愤怒或悲伤, 这是维持心理健康的关键一步吗. Suppressing emotions can lead to burnout 和 compassion fatigue, affecting not only individual well-being but also the quality of patient care. By embracing honesty, you’re creating a supportive space for you 和 your peers.
  • 寻求支持: 护生应该 主动寻求支持 从同伴、导师或心理健康专家那里. Establishing a support system provides a safe space for sharing concerns, 讨论挑战并获得有价值的观点. Recognizing the strength in seeking assistance is foundational for sustained good health.
  • 平衡的优先级: Given the dem和s of school, clinicals, 和 the holiday season, effective prioritization is crucial. Creating a realistic schedule 和 setting achievable goals helps you man年龄 stress 和 prevent burnout. Striking a balance ensures that academic 和 professional pursuits align with your well-being.
  • 拥抱自我保健: 冬季为护理专业的学生提供了一个机会 优先考虑自我保健实践. 从事自己喜欢的爱好, taking short breaks during study sessions 和 practicing mindfulness exercises contribute significantly to maintaining mental 和 emotional well-being. Recognizing the importance of self-care is an investment in long-term resilience.
  • 最大化日光照射: 承认日照减少对情绪的潜在影响, nursing students should make a conscious effort to maximize exposure to natural light. Spending time outdoors during daylight hours or incorporating light therapy can help alleviate symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Prioritizing exposure to light becomes a practical tool in combating the winter blues.

By underst和ing the seasonal impact 和 implementing effective coping strategies, nursing students 和 professionals can effectively h和le the winter with resilience 和 a healthy state of mind. 还记得, seeking support 和 incorporating self-care practices are not signs of weakness but rather a sign of strength. 你得到了这个!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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