

11 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy While You're Studying at Home

As parents know, children 和 productivity don’t exactly go well together. Here are some ways to keep kids busy to allow for some 有效的学习时间.

新型冠状病毒肺炎 has forced the closure of offices 和 schools across the U.S.许多人只能在家工作和学习. 适合有孩子的学生, this poses the challenging question of “How am I supposed to get work done with my kids at home?” As parents know, children 和 productivity don’t exactly go well together.

Here are some ways to keep kids of all 年龄s busy to allow for some 有效的学习时间:


  • 依靠 资源: Do you have a significant other or older child who can help watch the little ones while you 研究? Carve out 30 minutes to an hour where they can keep your kids busy to give you the time 你需要完成课堂作业. 如果有必要的话, 如果在你的预算之内, consider hiring a part-time babysitter to allow you to concentrate on 研究ing for part of the day.
  • 充分利用午休时间: 然而小睡并不总是按计划进行, plan to focus on any work that needs your full attention during this time.
  • 早开始或晚学习: 在孩子起床之前开始学习, or choose to get most of your work done at night when the kids go to bed.
  • 把你需要的一切都放在身边: 机会是, your toddler will need various things throughout the day – snacks, 换尿布, 最喜欢的玩具, 换洗衣服, 等. Have these items gathered nearby so you’re not running around multiple times a day, 这会减少宝贵的学习时间吗.


  • 开始看电影: 即使你想限制看屏幕的时间, give yourself a break – screen time is OK if you need to focus on getting work done. Play your children’s favorite movie or TV show that will keep them occupied while you 研究.
  • 建造堡垒: Spend a few minutes building a fort with your kids to give them a sacred space of their own, 然后在里面装满玩具, 书籍和游戏让他们娱乐.
  • 创建一个有趣的待办事项清单: 当你 规划 your to-do list for the day, write one for your child as well! 他们会喜欢有你这样的名单的, 和 it’ll give them fun things to focus on while you get some 研究ing done. 这个清单上的幸运28计划可能包括给图片上色, 和狗玩, 读一本书, 做开合跳, 完成谜题, 等.
  • 提供激励措施: 在学习期间为孩子设定目标. If they stay quiet for a certain amount of time or get a set number of tasks done, 例如, 他们会得到奖励. That reward could be ice cream after dinner or getting to watch their favorite movie.


  • 写一个时间表: Keep your children busy with a structured schedule for them to stick to while you 研究, 其中包括家务和家庭作业.
  • 设定明确的期望: 和你的孩子交流, 让他们知道,虽然你在家, you need a set amount of time to 研究 without being interrupted. If they know what to expect, they’ll be more likely to respect those boundaries.
  • 安排视频聊天: If you don’t have anyone at home who can help entertain or look after your children while you 研究, consider scheduling video chats with family or friends to give you some time to concentrate on schoolwork while they catch up with their loved ones. 双赢!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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